The State, Bureau of land Management (BLM) and US Forest Service properties within the Ranch all have special rules for recreational use. These can be found at the websites of the respective agencies. The US Forest Service has provided a letter to the HOA detailing their rules (see below PDFs for download). Also available for download are excerpts of Wyoming Livestock Laws and regulations regarding the recreational use of the State Lease properties within the ranch.
Here are some of the most important regulations – No motorized vehicles of any type are permitted on US Forest Service land and the State Lease (two 640-acre parcels). On State Lease properties (except for plotted roads), all two-tracks were created illegally and are not sanctioned for vehicular traffic by the Office of State Lands and Investments. If practicing target-shooting, police your shell casings to prevent them from becoming a hazard to grazing animals. Do not leave behind trash. There is no overnight camping on State lands. No night-time hunting on any Federal or State lands (it’s happened). If you open a gate, close it (it’s a Class B Misdemeanor if a gate to US Forest Service properties is left open). As the Lessee, we are required to report any violations to the respective agencies.
Access to Little Lake Hattie – There are two parts to the Lake Hattie area on the ranch. One part is the Lake Hattie Reservoir and the other part is what’s called Little Lake Hattie (small lake adjacent to State Lease Section 36). Only property owners bordering the lake have access to the shoreline of Little Lake Hattie from their property. There is no public access to Little Lake Hattie except by walking across the State Lease to the edge of the water or via boat from Lake Hattie Reservoir. It is against the law to cross private property without permission from the property owner to reach public lands or waterways (see Wyoming Game & Fish). Any questions regarding the recreational use of Lake Hattie Reservoir should be directed to the Pioneer Irrigation District.
The WHR HOA also has several requirements . A copy of the Covenants can be downloaded below.
Wild Horse Preservation Society
PO Box 1610, Laramie, WY 82073